Our survive guide is how to guide to survival in a natural disaster situation.  Every disaster we encounter has its own unique signature.  Each disaster is different.  Certain elements such as area/community, danger threats and future weather events need to be assessed on a case by case basis. 

An example of this would be the recent fires in Paradise, CA.  Sadly people either did not receive the order for mandatory evacuation or were not able to move quickly enough and tragically lost their lives as they tried to evacuate.  Five vehicles were found engulfed in flames with the people who lost their lives.  A neighbor cross check may prevent future tragedies.

Many natural disasters have multiple elements of danger.  After any major earthquake there is often a tsunami threat.  The recent quake this year in Indonesia rocked the country and the earthquake/tsunami back in 2004 on December 26th was a brutal catastrophic earthquake and that triggered a secondary disaster: the series of tsunami waves that was responsible for the deaths of over 250,000 locals and tourists. After a hurricane there is often a subsequent hurricane possibility.    

Preventative measures, planning and diligence ensure the best chances of survival in these situations.  Knowledge, our experience and our research along with your own common sense, situational awareness and prompt decision making could save your life and the lives of others.

Our ebook is coming soon.